Middle School Counseling - Grades 7 & 8

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The School Counseling Program in grades 7 & 8 is developmental and wellness oriented. Counselors are trained professionals, knowledgeable and competent to assist students in the areas of:

  • Personal and social development

  • Academic advisement

  • Career awareness

  • Crisis intervention

  • Bullying/Harassment

  • Impact of substance use/abuse

  • Short Term Small Skill-Based Groups

  • Short Term Individual Need-Based Counseling

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Parent Consultation

  • Teacher Consultation

  • Community Resources and Referrals 

  • Crisis Counseling

Preventive and pro-active, services are available to students via classroom lessons, small group, and when appropriate, on a short-term, individual basis. As part of the school district's support system, counselors collaborate and consult with parents, teachers and if necessary, district and community services to ensure the well-being of the individual student.

Denise DeMello, School Counselor ext. 2632
Robyn Mikaelian, School Counselor ext. 2633
Joretta Strayhorn, Student Assistance Coordinator ext. 1636