Riley Student Council with Mrs. DuPiche & Dr. Tansey

JOB WELL DONE Riley Student Council! The Riley Elementary Student Council Members gave a wonderful presentation of "What's Going On At Riley Elementary School?" at the Board of Education Meeting last night. 

The students shared several pictures, events and lesson activities students are experiencing and engaged in. These included creating and observing the effects of water and erosion, making applesauce after reading and learning about Johnny Appleseed, wearing pink on "PINK OUT FRIDAY" to bring awareness to Breast Cancer Month, and having special guests like Firefighter Dad, Mr. Kirkland, who taught kindergarten students about the importance of fire safety. The students also shared how they were excited to have the assembly with former pro AFL Football Player, Dewayne West, was able to have their annual Halloween Parade and festivities. 

Lastly, the students included photos of the Veterans Day Assembly Ceremony and how they look forward to watching Bedtime Story with Mrs. DuPiche every month. Thank you to the Riley Student Council Members and the parents for your continued support. Continue to shine bright like a diamond! 

Please enjoy the pictures below. The Student Council Members and their parents standing behind them from left to right: Valeria Zapata Hernandez (Representative), Cameron Budhan (Secretary), Jayden Brown (Vice-President), Samantha Catalonotti (President) and Carter Franciscus (Representative). Student Council Representatives Amanda Van Der Werf and Taylor Sollacio were also in attendance.