Due to the predicted impending weather, all after school activities, including sports, will be cancelled this afternoon. Thank you and be safe.
8 months ago, Christopher Cassio
As a result of predicted snow and ice accumulations during the morning commute the South Plainfield School District will be operating on a delayed opening schedule for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16, 2024. South Plainfield High School start time - 9:15a.m. South Plainfield Middle School start time - 9:35 a.m. Grant School start time - 9:00 a.m. All Elementary Schools start time - 10:05 a.m. Preschool start time - 10:30 a.m. Please be advised transportation will be operating on a delayed schedule. Student breakfast and lunch will be served on an amended schedule. Please check the district website throughout the school day for any changes to after school activities or athletic games and practices. Before care is cancelled for tomorrow morning, January 16, 2024. We realize the commute may be difficult for our South Plainfield families and encourage you to drop your children at school on time, however if you are running late, take your time. Your children will not be marked late. High school students driving to school – take your time – The safety of the students, faculty, and staff is our top priority. Be safe.
8 months ago, South Plainfield School District
As a result of the anticipated heavy rain and flooding predicted to occur throughout the South Plainfield Borough, the South Plainfield School District will be operating on a delayed opening schedule for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 10, 2024. South Plainfield High School start time 9:15a.m. South Plainfield Middle School start time 9:35 a.m. Grant School start time 9:00 a.m. All Elementary Schools start time 10:05 a.m. Preschool start time 10:30 a.m. Transportation will be operating on a delayed schedule. Please be advised an email was sent to parents/guardians previously alerting you to any changes to bus times and pickup/drop-off locations due to heavy rain and flooding in the Borough. Please check your email to see if your child’s bus stop location has been affected. You may also view the emergency flood bus stop locations by visiting the district website at www.spboe.org Keep in mind, the High School, Middle School, and Grant School continue to be affected by the emergency construction along Lane Avenue. We ask that you follow the same traffic pattern you followed at pickup this afternoon. The emergency construction is expected to cause heavy traffic delays; please plan accordingly. Student breakfast and lunch will be served on an amended schedule. Please check the district website throughout the school day for any changes to after school activities or athletic games and practices. Before care is cancelled for tomorrow morning, January 10, 2024. We realize the morning commute will be difficult for our South Plainfield families and encourage you to drop your children at school on time, however if you are running late, take your time. Your children will not be marked late. The safety of the students, faculty, and staff is our top priority. Be safe.
8 months ago, South Plainfield School District
Due to anticipated inclement weather, all after-school activities, including sporting events and clubs, are canceled for this afternoon, January 9, 2024.
8 months ago, South Plainfield School District
On Friday, December 22, there will be an early dismissal for all students and staff at 1:00pm, please plan accordingly. Thank you and happy holidays!
8 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Early Dismissal
Roosevelt Elementary School is hosting our annual blanket drive to benefit Shirley Thompson's Christmas. Please donate new blankets to the Roosevelt lobby by December 15th. Thank you! https://youtu.be/_dVSp6zaAP4 https://youtu.be/rxBUo8y7sKc
9 months ago, Christopher Cassio
The spirit of giving is alive and well this holiday season! Roosevelt students are collecting blankets for our annual blanket drive! Watch this commercial created by our Roosevelt student council for all the details. Great job Roosevelt community! Thank you to all and keep those blankets coming in! https://drive.google.com/file/d/14mxOfNr5jlxl6Q7QR3BlSNuCOJ1LnVcd/view?usp=sharing
9 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Blanket Drive
Roosevelt’s own Addisyn Knight was featured on Philadelphia’s Channel 3 CBS News after taking part in the Camp Abilities program at Rowan University! To see the whole story, please check out this YouTube link to see Addy in action!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4pfxdHyW_M
9 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Addisyn Knight
Addisyn Knight
Addisyn Knight
Roosevelt School students held a very special and ceremonious Veteran’s Day Assembly and Celebration for our Veterans of Foreign War. The SPHS chorus, orchestra, and band all came to Roosevelt to play for our Vets and were amazing! There were also some dramatic readings of poetry by our students, as well as a presentation to our Vets of nearly 500 student-created and colorfully decorated cards, complete with a personal message thanking them for their service to our country! The ceremony was capped off with the entire school singing “Grand Ole Flag”, with each waving their very own American Flag! Well done, Roosevelt!
10 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Veterans Day Assembly
Veterans Day Assembly
Veterans Day Assembly
Veterans Day Assembly
Veterans Day Assembly
Veterans Day Assembly
Veterans Day Assembly
Today Roosevelt students were treated to an assembly relating to Environmental Science and conservation. The Illusion Maker company performed a show that combined the imagery of illusion and magic with an educational twist about the importance of taking great care of our environment by Reducing, Reusing, Recycling, and NOT littering! Special thanks to Dr. Tempel and the Borough of South Plainfield for sponsoring and bringing this “Clean Communities Assembly Program” to our school!
10 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Illusion Maker Assembly
Illusion Maker Assembly
Illusion Maker Assembly
Roosevelt students (and staff) really got into celebrating Red Ribbon Week (and it’s slogan of “Be Kind to Your Mind: Live Drug Free!”). This week students got into the spirit with Crazy Hair Day (see students) and wearing your favorite animal print (see Tigress Teachers)!
10 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week
Roosevelt students got paid a special visit from our School Resource Officers today! SRO Rene Marte and SRO Stephen Petriello put on a very informative presentation about Bicycle Safety and Halloween Safety. Thank you SROs!!
10 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Bike Safety Presentation
Bike Safety Presentation
Bike Safety Presentation
Bike Safety Presentation
Roosevelt School Student Council, under the direction and guidance of Mrs. Hyun and Mrs. Gwiazda, organized a fantastic fundraiser for the victims of the Hawaiian Maui Fires. Students were able to purchase leis for two dollars each and on Friday October 20th, “Hawaiian Day” happened at Roosevelt! Student efforts raised $1137 dollars toward the cause and these proceeds were donated to the Maui Food Bank! Great Job Roosevelt!
10 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Hawaiian Day Fundraiser
Hawaiian Day Fundraiser
Hawaiian Day Fundraiser
Roosevelt students really got into celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month! One particular activity that brought the passionate side out in the students, was learning about some of our current day Hispanic heritage heroes like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, who are both arguably the biggest athletic names in the world! Students got to vote on whom they thought was better by decorating the uniform jersey of their favorite player, and then posting it to the board hanging in the hallway. Can you count them up and see who got the most?
11 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month
Roosevelt students were wild for Tiger Bucks this month—with the building theme being RESPECT!
11 months ago, Christopher Cassio
October - Tiger Bucks Photos
October - Tiger Bucks Photos
October - Tiger Bucks Photos
October - Tiger Bucks Photos
The BRAIN SHOW Assembly came to center stage at Roosevelt School, as students got the chance to participate in a real-live game show! In the evening, parents and entire Roosevelt Families were invited to participate together once more. This was very much enjoyed by all. Special THANKS to the Roosevelt PTO for setting this up for us!
11 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Brain Break Assembly
Brain Break Assembly
Brain Break Assembly
Brain Break Assembly
Roosevelt third grade student Aadhav Shankar was selected to display two separate pieces of his original artwork The Tulip Field and The Night Sky (both pictured below) at the 4th World Cultural Arts Festival at the National Mall grounds in Washington D.C. this past weekend! Hundreds of submissions came in from around the world, and Angie (an 88 year old professional artist pictured below with Aadhav and his mom) picked Aadhav’s work to be displayed. If you see Aadhav, Grade 3 in Ms. Lyne’s class, on the playground, on the bus, or in the halls of Roosevelt School, be sure to congratulate him. We are very proud of him, as are his parents (seen below with Aadhav)!
11 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Aadhav Shankar Artwork
Aadhav Shankar Artwork
Aadhav Shankar Artwork
Aadhav Shankar Artwork
Roosevelt School’s nurse, Mrs. DeAndrea, is retiring after 27 years in district, ALL 27 years at Roosevelt School. Mrs. DeAndrea is the epitome of excellence! She will be so very missed!
11 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Peggy Retirement Party
Peggy Retirement Party
Peggy Retirement Party
Roosevelt students were treated to a special two-man play / Earth science assembly by The Grand Falloons, where they were taught about the effects of pollution in our waterways that the kids really enjoyed!
11 months ago, Christopher Cassio
Grand Falloons Assembly 9-22-23
Grand Falloons Assembly 9-22-23
Grand Falloons Assembly 9-22-23
The South Plainfield School District hosted their second annual Band Festival Day on March 29 at the South Plainfield Middle School. 316 band students participated. Every band student from the High School, the Middle School, the Grant School and all four elementary schools participated. Each school played one piece by themselves and then they played it again with the older schools joining in.
over 1 year ago, South Plainfield School District
Students preparing to play their instruments while looking at a conductor on stage.